i finally can write something to you all
ı really miss you
and turkey is really beautiful but hot,
these weeks we met some problems ,like internet,hot water,room mate,,,
although we aren't in Istanbul,but i think Gazıantep is beautiful
maybe it isn't a travellıng city but nice to live
and people here is very passion and like dancing
(i was forced to dance on the shıp = =
my god ,everybody knows that i'm not good
at danching)
here,i don't have computer,televisıon,newspaper,because all of Gaziantep don't
have english editıon,but maybe that's the meaning of voyage that we pursuit ,and
i want to think about my future,lıfe,and desires...because only far away from the
crowd life that i can thınk clearlly,,,
but i still want to eat rice and noodles * ---*
dıd you receive my postcard???
my frıend my familly ,i mıss you so much
i'm fine in turkey that the coutry i dreamed for long time
- Jul 13 Mon 2009 18:53
turkey merhaba(hello)